When you enter a building or property of any kind, most often than not, the first person who greets you is a security guard. These days, unless you are a small business or a new startup and you do not have a security guard, you need to hire one. If you have expensive merchandise in-house, operate in a high-crime neighborhood, or have lots of foot traffic, on-site security makes for a wise investment. Once you have decided that it is time to hire trusted security guards in Melbourne, here are five steps that can help you hire someone who is skilled and trustworthy.
- See how a security guard will fit in your work setting. Like most things, one size does not fit all. If you are hiring a security guard for a senior living complex or a high school, a candidate with an approachable and friendly manner is important. Meanwhile, for high-crime areas, go with someone who conveys authority and is capable of showing restraint in stressful situations. There are settings that require 24/7 Security Guards in Australia, while some need on-site security to effectively deter crime.
- Decide how to equip the security guard. Before you look for a security guard hire in Melbourne, determine if you need someone who is armed. If you want them armed, they need to have a permit to carry firearms. Also, decide if you want to furnish the guard uniform and other equipment. Check if the guards have gone through special training and have earned certificates. If your preferred candidate is not certified, consider paying for their certification so you can secure them.
- Write a detailed job description. Once you have determined the key factors you are looking for, create a job description for a security guard. Start with a few sentences about the setting and describe your organization. Also list their probable duties like greeting visitors, maintaining safety protocols, monitoring entrances and exits, reporting irregularities, and writing reports. It also helps to list the skills and character traits you are looking for, along with the benefits and salary range.
- Ask the right questions during the interview. After narrowing your applicant pool, use your interview process to know them better and how effectively they can handle the job. Ask questions assessing their emotional intelligence to see if they are restrained, patient, and fair. Also, ask behavioral questions to see how they would respond to common scenarios that can happen during their shift. See if their answers match with how you want a security guard representing your business to respond.
- Perform a background and reference check. Honesty and ethical interactions are important qualities in a security guard, so run contact references and background checks. Remember that the safety of your business depends on them. Ask former colleagues and employers questions to get a sense of how your candidate behaves in professional settings. Also inquire if they have strong interpersonal skills, how they solve problems and how they deal with unexpected circumstances.
The next time you find yourself looking to hire security guards in Melbourne, keep these five steps in mind to ensure that you hire a qualified and trustworthy professional to protect your business, employees, and staff.
About Security Guards Melbourne:
Security Guards MelbourneĀ is a top security provider in Australia that offers productive and effective safety solutions for businesses and customers. Their well-trained staff and excellent customer service ensure successful delivery of services.